This is the story of a homeschooling city girl, trading in her Saks 5th life of luxury for farm tack and homesteading! My family, new farm critters and I will share our successes, failures and crazy stories during this new chapter of life!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Chicken Came First!!

We had our 8 little Bantams, and we made them into pets.  We love them, as we do all our animals.  I decided we needed many more than 7 (one of our little roosters fell over dead.  We're still not sure why!).  We went and bought 13 more, for a round total of 20 Bantams.  Then, they started laying!  It was so exciting to collect that first egg.  We allow our hens to socialize with our roosters, so we hoped for some fertilized eggs, and thought we'd end up with more eggs than we can use next Spring!  So far, that plan is working out well.  It helped that I bid on 3 different sets of eggs on eBay... and won them ALL!  At the current moment, we have 57 eggs in our incubator, and our neighbor's incubator that he let us borrow!

This is a picture of our incubator, full to standing room only! =)
When they hatch (IF they hatch), we should have a variety of birds!  In the incubator, there are:
12 free range ducks
6 turkeys
13 bantams
24 silkie chickens
and 2 game chickens (from the neighbor)!

I really, really, really hope the silkies hatch.  They are so insanely cute!  If you've never seen one before, here's a picture of one...

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