This is the story of a homeschooling city girl, trading in her Saks 5th life of luxury for farm tack and homesteading! My family, new farm critters and I will share our successes, failures and crazy stories during this new chapter of life!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


We are loving our goats.  What sweet, fun creatures!  Lucy is so protective of her little clan, even though they are her siblings and not her babies!  If Mosby (our black lab) comes near, she headbutts the fence, or rams her siblings to keep them away from Mosby.  She is the "herd queen," and you must address the herd queen first, or they start to misbehave.
Here are some picture of the goats.
The large white one is Lucy.  Ms. Macready is beside her-
This is Narnia...
This is Aslan...

1 comment:

  1. PJ wants a goat so badly. You are making it look way too easy!
