This is the story of a homeschooling city girl, trading in her Saks 5th life of luxury for farm tack and homesteading! My family, new farm critters and I will share our successes, failures and crazy stories during this new chapter of life!

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Well, since I last posted, we've had 8 eggs hatch, with many, many more scheduled to hatch in the next week!  Most of the eggs we bought (ALL the duck eggs and ALL the turkey eggs) weren't fertile.  Then other eggs we bought were lost in the mail for a number of days, so they didn't hatch either.  Some of our silkies hatched, and we now have 4 Old English Game chickens from a neighbor's eggs.  A Leghorn just hatched a moment ago, and another has pushed its beak through the shell!  This is a video of one of our baby chicks, moving in its shell...  so cool!!
And this is an adorable video of one of our baby chicks hatching!

After the baby chicks hatched, our chihuahua Stonewall refused to leave their side.  He is the most amazing mother hen!
Here he is with a brand new chick, checking it out...

We just finished moving our first hatches out to the chicken coop. They are in a wired off section of the chicken coop, trying to adjust to the cold temperatures!!  Look how they're all bundled up!  Can you believe how BIG they've gotten?

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