This is the story of a homeschooling city girl, trading in her Saks 5th life of luxury for farm tack and homesteading! My family, new farm critters and I will share our successes, failures and crazy stories during this new chapter of life!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Chickens are Free!

Our chickens are happy to be free!
I clipped their wings today, and released them into the goat yard.  I propped their coop door open, so they can come and go as they wish, until we close them up for safety at night.  The goats jsut ignore the chickens.  Although, the goats went immediately to check out the chicken coop, while the chickens sprinted into the goat house to investigate their digs!

General Tsao likes to be the King, watch the barnyard from above...

The chickens are infiltrating the goat house here...

Although the goats are fine with the chickens roaming around with them, they still threaten Mosby on a daily basis.  They can stand like this for an hour.  I still hear the Western gun standoff music in my head when I see this picture...

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe you clipped their wings. I am so impressed!!! I haven't even tried to do that.
